Currently I am living in London, working at the LISA offices. I’m working for the ARENA Programme, teaching people deep learning skills for AI safety.


Books I’m currently reading:

  • Fiction: A Place of Greater Safety - Hilary Mantel

  • Nonfiction: An Introduction to Contemporary Metaethics - Alexander Miller

  • Nonfiction: The Making of the Atomic Bomb - Richard Rhodes

If you see me in person and have any questions about any of these books, I’d be happy to talk more about them.


This playlist is what I’m currently listening to ‘on repeat’ according to Spotify. I’m not exactly sure how Spotify calculates this playlist, but in my experience it has not been entirely accurate week-to-week. Despite that, it definitely gets at something, and there is a decent chance I’ll be listening to one of these songs at the time you’re reading this.